Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Asteroids do not concern me, Admiral. I want that ship… not excuses.

Coming in at nearly 5200 pieces, this is the Madre con Lego. Being a self proclaimed Dark Lord of the Sith, I have stated that I will only collect Imperial (and possibly Republic) Star Ships and Fighters that come out of the Lego Group. However, even a Dark Lord knows a nice looking ship when he sees one, and this would be one good spoil of war. The only thing that stops me from purchasing this today is the ghastly price tag of $679.99 CAD. This really irritates me, as Lego sells this model in the states for $499.99 USD. Have they not heard that the Canadian Dollar is bouncing around par with the US Dollar? I *could* have it shipped to my sister in Seattle, but The Eradicator weighed an impressive 10 kilograms (22 lbs) and it was only 3100 pieces, and I wouldn’t want to drop this package in her lap to somehow get it to Edmonton. What makes this model even cooler is that it is scaled to fit the minifigs, so you can fit Han, Chewie, Luke, and Old Ben in the cockpit to make the experience complete. I guess Leia would be outside giving it a push to help it off the ground.

Just like Darth Vader, this starship will continue to slip through my grasp as I watch it inexplicable continue to make the jump to hyperspace… which makes me sad.

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