Monday, February 11, 2008

Sucked In!

WOW! Yes… that’s right… Wow. Or more accurately: WoW. As in: World of Warcraft. After many, many years of purposely not playing World of Warcraft, I feel like I’ve finally got sucked in. My so called friends decided that I need to play, and so like the dealers of internet smack that they are, sent me a “free” trial. Yeah… there’s nothing free about this 10 day trial, I’m afraid. I’m going to play it, I’ll get hooked, because my awesome Dwarf Hunter will be 2 levels away from being able to get a pet (I’m hoping for a T-Rex, though I’ve been told that I can only get a Raptor) and the system will cut me off. “Sorry, that’s all you get. You’re done…. Unless you PAY for it.” This, of course, is followed by a wicked maniacal laugh. I will have no choice in the matter any more, for like the metaphorical drug that it is, I will have lost the will to not play any more, and I will spend 15 US dollars a month just to get to Level 60… because that’s what the game is all about. Then I will say “Level 60 isn’t high enough… I NEED to get to level 70!” And so I will go out and buy the expansion pack… I’m already crying myself to sleep in the fetal position, wishing that I could purge my system of WoW. Andrew and Mike: You are both pure evil.

Right now I’m just grateful that $15 US is pretty much $15 CAD. I guess it was only a matter of time. Once the Star Wars MMORPG based around 4000 BBY* which is being designed by BioWare comes out, then I will have no choice to play that either. Wookiee Scout, here I come!

*BBY: Before Battle of Yavin, or Before “A New Hope” which is what people who don’t know what Yavin is, or A New Hope is just refer to simply as Star Wars. As in the first one… but not Episode 1.


Unknown said...

Wow, it sounds like your friends are:

a) really sucky
b) the most awesomest ever!

MrCanoehead said...

How caddy of you to condemn your firends so quickly when it is you yourself who is willingly taking the first "hit", so to speak.

It's not like they are literally standing behind you holding a gun to your head ... although that could be arranged if need be!

Mwa haa haa haa haaaaaaaa!